Our mission is to promote, encourage, and develop servant leaders in Christian education
We desire to foster fellowship among education leaders, to consider what God is calling us to do in education, to shape a faithful response in our schools with a Biblical worldview and to relay relevant information to Christian school leaders. Our primary tool for implementing this mission is planning conferences in the fall and spring of each year that meet these goals. We also work on initiatives like the new employment contracts published by the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia, the leadership certificate, new programs and visits to principals in need of encouragement.
The CPABC (Now operating as Christian School Educational Leaders of British Columbia [CSELBC]) provides representation on the Christian Schools Canada (CSC) board and the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia (SCSBC) board. We also serve on important committees such as the SCSBC compensation committee and the SCSBC policy development committee. Although we do not have an executive director, collectively we serve our membership in a volunteer capacity.

The CSELBC Board of Directors
The Christian School Educational Leaders of British Columbia (CSELBC) Society is governed by a board of directors made up of Christian school administrators from around the province. Elections for the board of directors take place at the Annual General Meeting. Directors are elected to a three-year term. The directors meet five times a year to plan and consider new methods of meeting the goals of our mission. Over the past four years, the directors have met in fifteen different Christian schools in British Columbia. When we visit a school, we tour of the facility, visit classrooms and spend time with school leaders. It is a chance to engage, to encourage and to understand the contexts in which our principals and assistant principals lead their schools.
The directors for 2024–25 are:
Our core values
Provide mutual support and encouragement by:
- attending conferences
- providing mentorship for members
Encourage professional support and growth by:
- developing future leadership
- continuing to provide leadership training
- utilizing retired principals to assist those new to this work
- collaborate with other professional associations (SCSBC, CEBC, CSC, FISA)
- supporting those in challenging situations
Affirm school leaders by:
- celebrating our calling
- including new-comers
- honouring experience
Promoting and preserving a vision of Christian education by:
- celebrating each school’s roots and history
- sharing ideas to develop vibrant educational communities
- preserving a distinct Christian worldview
- sharing the Biblical story with each other

Our Vision
To be a vibrant professional community of Christian educational leaders who encourage and support educational leadership that is biblically faithful in today’s world.